In updating a property with a south-facing backyard, our primary solution was the double-storey extension to the south of the original house. This created the opportunity for a northerly aspect over the existing roofline. The result is a north-facing glass facade and stair atrium, which allows winter sun to permeate the new heart of the home — a relaxed family living area downstairs, with a sunken lounge at its centre. Rich materiality enhances the warm, inviting environment. An informal side entrance leads past a central garden and directly inside. Upstairs enjoys views over the existing slate roofline to the north, and towards the city over rooftops to the south. Outside, the kids have plenty of room to swim and play.
Barkly House
- Project Team — Madeleine Hodge, Chris Mark, Alice McColl, Nick Harding
- Builder — Frameworks
- Landscape — Pop Plant
- Structural Engineer – RI Brown
- Building Surveyor – Floreancig Smith
- Photographer — Michael Pham
With an authentic approach to family heritage and locale, Barkly House transforms a double-fronted Edwardian into a spacious modern home. It’s a new brick house for the son of an old bricklayer, and harkens back to a bygone era of industrial Fitzroy North.